Think global Act local: Reflections on global partnerships by TNS Beaconhouse & Rise Up and Write.

A Story that matters
We dance in a ring and suppose
I think I’ll call it Inception. When Bryn Orum and I scheduled our first meeting on 9/11, 2019, in the hope of exploring the possibility of starting a Youth Advocacy campaign in my IB school in Lahore, Pakistan…….
The secret sits in the middle and knows.
Rise Up & Write Around the World: The Magic of Partnership
It is nearly impossible for me to calculate time difference across the United States.
So when Sadaf Khan — who lives and works in Lahore, Pakistan — asked to meet me online to talk about youth advocacy writing, I had to google: time difference …….
TNS Rise Up & Write Advocacy Campaign
Walk Through Rise Up & Write Website
Submitted by: Mrs. Sadaf Khan
English Supervisor – IB MYP/DP Coordinator – TNS Beaconhouse